Damen-Titchner Pavilion cover in Sunbrella
Our instructions were:
Create a cover that could fasten without any auxiliary hanging hardware installed on their backyard pavilion. Sunbrella is a great fabric, rated for years of sun (obviously) and weather resistance. This Logan, Utah couple stores many items in the pavilion during winter and it’s a perennial treat for us to see their custom cover getting such great mileage and use.
Snug and enclosed for winter, protecting lots of stored items within.
The Pavilion cover in summer. A great spot for entertaining and hanging out.
Project notes, measurements and details.
Yep, the pieces were so large that we used the parking lot to lay some of them out!
Mark and Suzanne, using the plumb line to snap straight chalk lines…
Our basement on Pierpont Avenue got a LOT of use during this project. We set up extra tables to work with this big project.
Fastex hardware. Buckles with straps down each of the four corners of the pavilion cover.