2024 Costume design inspired by Monty Python and the Holy Grail for this Highland Cabinetry commercial.
Very silly costume design here, created especially for this Highland Cabinetry commercial by Chamber Media.
Luxuriate in the beautiful chain mail, citrusy orange and lemony yellow safety vests, delightfully customized tabards and especially enjoy the 2 x 4s used to create the galloping horse sounds. Big shout out to production designer Dan Haskell for his clever set pieces, props and effects.
Shout out, too, to Tyler Brown, Danny Huntington and Mike Brown and their crew for the exciting catapult (or, rather, trebuchet) that they brought to set. Completely cool and fascinating.
We all laughed as we awaited their arrival on set, hearing that their giant historic machine on its enormous trailer got stuck on Interstate I-15, caught in rush hour traffic on the way down from Logan, UT. Just imagine being an average commuter and seeing that sort of thing next to you on the highway! Read more about them and their organization here.
Our shoot on location at Evermore in Pleasant Grove was possibly some of the last action that this theme park saw in its lifetime. Rest in peace, Evermore.
Do you like our Black Knight here? It was super fun creating this costume as well as his ‘stump’, then rigging the actor’s arm down and working with Dan, who not only engineered the blood pump but also built our Knight’s helmet on super short notice. The Black Knight’s severed arm squirts just like a Japanese warrior’s. I was killing time on Reddit once and crossed paths with this explanation for the copious amounts of blood typical in many Samurai and even contemporary Japanese films:). Hilarious. Betting that those funny Monty Python guys were very well versed in this genre.
As always, thank you Chamber Media, writer Matt Mattson and the entire cast (who are amazing at improv comedy) for making us all laugh so hard; something we all need more of in life!
KING ARTHUR John Donovan Wilson
SQUIRE Matt Mattson
MDF MAN Danny James